About Us


The B.R.A.V.E. Project is a Community Support and Services nonprofit organization for those in need!










Measurable Goals for CY2024

    1. Expand Reading Literacy Program:

      • Objective: Increase the distribution of books to underprivileged children.
      • Target: Deliver at least 500 books to underprivileged children by the end of CY2024.
      • Measurement: Track the number of books distributed and the number of children reached through our reading literacy events and partnerships with schools and community organizations.
    2. Enhance Health Literacy Initiatives:

      • Objective: Improve awareness for the HPV vaccine among underprivileged children.
      • Target: Educate at least 500 children and their families about the importance of the HPV vaccine by the end of CY2024.
      • Measurement: Monitor the number of educational materials/sessions conducted and attendance through partnerships with local health clinics and/or schools.
    3. Strengthen Financial Literacy Education:

      • Objective: Equip underprivileged high school students with essential financial skills.
      • Target: Conduct at least four financial literacy workshops, reaching a minimum of 200 students by the end of CY2024.
      • Measurement: Track the number of workshops conducted, the number of students attending each session.

Happy Clients
1 +
Medical Beds
1 %

What We do

OPD, Medical and Surgical Services We Offer

Lorem Ipsum

One of the key classifications is between traditio nal small molecule drugs; usually derived from chemical synthesis.

Lorem Ipsum

One of the key classifications is between traditio nal small molecule drugs; usually derived from chemical synthesis.

Lorem Ipsum

One of the key classifications is between traditio nal small molecule drugs; usually derived from chemical synthesis.

Advance Service

Why Choose Our Specialty Clinic?

Grant Writing Supports and Services

Enim adminim

Population Health Management

Enim adminim

Medical Equipment Transport Services and Supports

Enim adminim

Why Choose Us

Board of Directors

Jamie McPherson

Jamie McPherson

Chairman of the Board

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Gary Jones

Gary Jones

Vice Chairman

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Judge Ericka James

Judge Ericka James

Legal Officer

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Karen Phillips

Karen Phillips

Human Resources Officer

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Contact The B.R.A.V.E. Projectâ„¢ Today!

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    Education: A Key to Unlocking Potential

        Education is a cornerstone in this journey of empowerment. Community-driven programs and initiatives are working tirelessly to bridge educational gaps and provide children and youth with the tools

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    The Road Ahead

    As the sun sets on another day in Petersburg, the future is illuminated with promise. The efforts to empower the underserved children and youth of this community are planting seeds

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    Fostering a Supportive Network

    Perhaps one of the most heartwarming aspects of this journey is the sense of community that has emerged. Residents, volunteers, local businesses, and organizations are coming together to provide mentorship,

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